Marketing to Moms in the Web 2.0 Age

If you are an advertiser or an affiliate that markets to modern moms, the recently released “Digital Mom” Report is a must-read for you! The publication was put together by Razorfish and CafeMom, and it is chock-full of useful data on how moms utilize and engage with the channels that make up the very Web 2.0.

I have found the following observations to be of particular importance:

  • Since, more digital moms today interact with social networks (65%) and SMS (56%) that with news sites (51%), we want to make sure we embrace these popular channels. Additionally, it is important for online marketers to understand how different channels (Razorfish divides them into 3 different levels: majority, mainstream, and niche/developing) change media consumption patterns of moms, and how we can mix and match them to achieve maximum reach and effectiveness.
  • Categories that have been historically popular among moms, still remain to be among the top ones regardless of mom’s age. 40% of moms research (or purchase online) products in the Fashion/Clothing category, 31% in the Food/Cooking category, 26% in Baby/Parenting, 21% in Electronics/Computers, 21% in Travel, and 20% in Medication/Medical Condition. Moms of children age 5 and younger make the Baby/Parenting  (46%) category their priority.
  • While, general conclusions can be made regarding all digital moms, it is important for online marketers to acknowledge that the “one-size-fits-all” strategy does not work with moms of all ages and contexts. For example, moms under 35% prefer social networks (72%) and SMS (64%), while moms 45 and older still prefer news sites (61%) and consumer reviews (43%). Additionally, moms of children younger than 12, versus moms of older children, are more likely to use social networks (67% vs. 62%), while moms of children 12 and older watch more online video (40% vs 34%), game (57% vs. 51%), and read consumer reviews (38% vs. 30%).
  • Digital moms use such channels as social networks, SMS and e-mail to connect with their friends at higher rates than with their spouse, children, colleagues, or other family. We, as online marketers, should use these communication channels to facilitate conversion among moms and influence decision makeing along the way. To improve the impact of our marketing we should also take time to analyze who exactly they are socializing with, and who influences them most.
  • Online communiction channels like search (50%), websites (50%), referrals from friends/family (31%) and other social influence channels are more widely used and trusted for learning/researching than any other sources. While TV (31%) still has the most impact in creating awareness about product/service, social resources like online consumer reviews, blogs, networks and RSS quickly gain weight in infuencing digital moms, and the gap between TV and other channels is closing.
  • To learn how to connect with a digital mom in the most effective form/way, it is helpful to use CafeMom’s five-type classification of socially connected moms — Self Expressor, Utility Mom, Groupster, Infoseeker, and Hyperconnector — and customize your approach depending on what group the mom falls into. It is important to use such a tailored approach because different types of moms have different motivation, expectations and online behaviors. Only a unique combination of activities can help an online marketer create the  most effective strategy in each case. See Part 2 of the “Digital Mom” report for precise details.
  • We must remember that our task is not to only “reach” a mom, butto “engage” her, and do it in such a way that it makes an impact. The ultimate impact should be sought in “leveraging the benefits of her personal word of mouth and pass-along through everyday social networking activities” so that “her trusted brand messages” are “disseminated and well received by the broader population”.

There is much more content in the report, and I highly encourage you to pick one up (it’s free!), study it carefully, and apply its data and conclusions in your own marketing.

2 thoughts on “Marketing to Moms in the Web 2.0 Age”

  1. Geno, Excellent Post! Thank you for the heads up on the free report. Web 2.0 is definitely more than just a buzzword. It’s a whole new way of thinking about the Internet. There really is no limit to the ways that Web 2.0 tools, ideas, sites, and applications can increase our Internet presence and the power of our online business.

  2. David,

    I agree, Web 2.0 is indeed “a whole new way of thinking about the Internet”; and, in my opinion, online shoppers have realized this much earlier than the online businesses. As I wrote in the “Online Shopping Through Consumers Eyes,” it is no longer appropriate to perceive (and treat) online shoppers as consumers only. They are want participate! Of course e-businesses can keep focusing on serving them their products in the most entertaining manner possible. But those that will actually find a way to engage the shopper through participation will eventually win the competition game.

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