affiliate marketing software

Do Affiliates Prefer Network-Based or In-House Affiliate Programs?

Back in March I wrote my Run Affiliate Program In-House or on Affiliate Network? post where I answered the “network vs in-house software” question from the merchant perspective. Yesterday (May 11) I’ve had a pleasure of interviewing one of the original developers of a famous affiliate program software, which led […]

Do Affiliates Prefer Network-Based or In-House Affiliate Programs? Read More »

Interview on Affiliate Program Software, Post Affiliate Pro and More

One of the more popular solutions for in-house affiliate program tracking and management is Post Affiliate Pro by Quality Unit. I’ve known Viktor Zeman, the CEO of Quality Unit and one of the original developers of this software, for some time already. So, I decided to reach out to him

Interview on Affiliate Program Software, Post Affiliate Pro and More Read More »