affiliate industry statistics

Affiliate Marketing in the USA: Market Size by Number of Programs

According to Forrester Consulting, the U.S. affiliate marketing industry is expected to reach $6.8 billion by 2020, with more than 80% of brands utilizing this potent way of marketing, but how many affiliate programs are out there? This very question came to me from an industry friend earlier this morning […]

Affiliate Marketing in the USA: Market Size by Number of Programs Read More »

Top Affiliate Program Categories on 6 U.S. Affiliate Networks

Following up on my previous post (where I summarized my findings on the top affiliate niches based on a research we’ve conducted across six U.S. affiliate networks), today I am bringing you detailed breakdowns of the categories into which the top affiliate programs fall on each of the analyzed networks. Together with

Top Affiliate Program Categories on 6 U.S. Affiliate Networks Read More »

Analysis of 550 Best Affiliate Programs Reveals Top 20 Niches

Among questions most frequently asked about affiliate marketing, queries about “hot niches” and “best affiliate programs” always abound. There are various ways to reflect an affiliate program’s comparative ‘bestness’. CJ by Conversant utilizes a 5-bar scale, ShareASale places their top advertisers into a Top 100 PowerRank, Affiliate Window scores merchants according to their AWin Index. In some instances we enjoy

Analysis of 550 Best Affiliate Programs Reveals Top 20 Niches Read More »

State of Content Affiliate-Driven eCommerce: Q4 2013 VigLink Report

Earlier this week VigLink announced the launch of its quarterly “content commerce reports.” They will be based on the data from the VigLink network of publishers/affiliates, and will be published with the goal of shedding light on key monetization metrics of the content marketing landscape. Here’s just one interesting piece

State of Content Affiliate-Driven eCommerce: Q4 2013 VigLink Report Read More »

Do Affiliates Drive $230 Billion in Sales to Top 1000 US e-Retailers?

Have you heard of the Internet Retailer’s new Top Tech 2014 Guide yet? This is an eBook based on their 2012 research of “the leading solutions providers to America’s top 1,000 retailers.” Among the providers analyzed they also looked into “affiliate marketing vendors” used by North America’s leading 1,000 e-retailers.

Do Affiliates Drive $230 Billion in Sales to Top 1000 US e-Retailers? Read More »

2012 Affiliate Network Earnings and Year-over-Year Growth

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked about the earnings of the world’s top affiliate networks lately. So, I’ve decided to put together a blog post, aggregating the respective data. Unfortunately, not all affiliate networks release their quarterly or annual figures, and some that do, don’t single

2012 Affiliate Network Earnings and Year-over-Year Growth Read More »

Statistics on Blog / Content Monetization via Affiliate Links

An affiliate network owner in a country where affiliate marketing is just developing has reached out to me recently. They are looking to attract more bloggers (and other quality content producers) to affiliate marketing, but with the majority of them monetizing via CPM and CPC models, getting them to switch

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British Affiliate Marketing Comprises 6% of UK Internet Economy

In the course of 2012 I’ve put together two blog posts on the size of affiliate marketing: one on performance marketing worldwide, and another one on affiliate marketing Russia. Per sources quoted in the former post, in 2011 British affiliates were expected “to drive more than £5bn in e-commerce revenue.”

British Affiliate Marketing Comprises 6% of UK Internet Economy Read More »

Affiliate Marketing in Russia: Market Size and Affiliate Networks

While I do have a list of Eastern European affiliate networks here, many things have changed in the past two years (with many more than five affiliate networks available now in Russia), and it’s time for an updated (and dedicated) post on Russian affiliate networks and the overall state of

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