
Puma Affiliate Manager's Follow-Up Email Does Not Help

Remember my Puma Affiliate Program Manager Doesn’t Get It post on 1/7/2011? Well, checking my affiliate account’s email box today I’ve found a follow-up message which reads as follows (highlighting mine): At first, when I just started reading it, I thought: “Awesome!! They finally get it!”… but as I read […]

Puma Affiliate Manager's Follow-Up Email Does Not Help Read More »

Become a Better Motivator by Appealing to Deep Seated Needs

Have you ever wondered if there are any other motivators available to affiliate program managers besides cash bonuses, prizes, and other extrinsic means of affiliate motivation? There are! It has also been proven that the more cash bonuses you give out, the more the per-bonus amount is expected to increase

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While Motivating Affiliates, Care for Little Guy Fostering Pride

Earlier this week I have received a newsletter geared at CSN Stores’ affiliates that have generated some traffic for their affiliate program, but no sales. The opening text of the newsletter read: Congratulations! You have been chosen as a CSN Stores Affiliate Program Rising Star. All the members of this

While Motivating Affiliates, Care for Little Guy Fostering Pride Read More »

Motivating Affiliates by Threat: Dead-End Strategy

Several times a month an affiliate receives e-mails where merchants are threatening to remove him/her from their affiliate programs if the affiliate does not become “active”. Another thread was started on this topic at ABestWeb [see it here] just today. And while I could write up a whole post on

Motivating Affiliates by Threat: Dead-End Strategy Read More »