Online Marketing

7 Online Marketing Thought Leaders – When They Talk, I Listen

It’s Friday again, and the #FollowFriday undertone of this post seems to be more than appropriate. I don’t know about you, but the amount of information (from quality to mere noise) distributed via social media overwhelms me at times… So, as mentioned not too long ago, one of the methods […]

7 Online Marketing Thought Leaders – When They Talk, I Listen Read More »

10 Great Posts – Week of February 7-13, 2010

Every week I read dozens of articles published online. Naturally, the vast majority of them are directly related to online marketing in general, and affiliate marketing in particular. The abundance of excellent content published online is so great that I never have enough time to incorporate what I learn into

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Is Your Marketing Fostering Customer Engagement?

New era, paradigm shift, dramatic transformation, or whatever else you’d like to call it, it’s here! The introduction and rapid development of Social Media (SM) and UGC (user-generated content) has changed the marketing landscape and environment forever. Whether you market online or offline, doesn’t matter. If you want to convert

Is Your Marketing Fostering Customer Engagement? Read More »

Are You Measuring and Analyzing or Flying Blind?

In September 2009 digital advertising overtook all other channels (including TV) in the United Kingdom [more here]. In October 2009 McKinsey stressed the importance of online retailing in the U.S., forecasting that by the year 2011 online sales will account for over 45% of all US retail sales [more here].

Are You Measuring and Analyzing or Flying Blind? Read More »

UK: Digital Advertising Overtakes All Other Channels

Today the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) revealed data from its bi-annual online advertising expenditure study. This report has been prepared in collaboration with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and the World Advertising Research Centre (WARC). The analysis of the first half of the year 2009 has shown that the Internet advertising spend in

UK: Digital Advertising Overtakes All Other Channels Read More »

Global Advertising to Shrink, Online Marketing to Grow

Interesting forecast data (on global advertising vs interactive marketing) has been published a few days ago by Forrester Research and ZenithOptimedia. Here is my summary: Global advertising market is expected to decline 8.5% this year (North America – 10.3%) Overall advertising budgets will decline as well In 2009 newspaper ad

Global Advertising to Shrink, Online Marketing to Grow Read More »

10 Tips on How to Convince a Skeptical Online Customer

Online customers are becoming more and more savvy, critical, and skeptical. What can merchants and affiliates do to put an end to their moderately successful storming of the bastion of the end-users’ hears and minds, and really start convincing their target audiences? Eric Brantner, a business copywriter, has put together

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