Affiliate Program Management

Google AdSense vs Affiliate Links – Go For The Meat!

In one of “The Future of Performance Marketing” sessions at the Affiliate Summit today, Larry Adams, the product manager for affiliate marketing for the Google Affiliate Network (formerly DoubleClick Performics), has brough up an interesting observation. He has mentioned that upon analyzing statistics, they have discovered that a vast majority of affiliates on

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Inspirational Leadership and Affiliate Program Management

Yesterday’s “A Case for Inspirational Leadership” blog post by Roshan Thomas did my heart good. Even though “inspirational leadership” normally has a slighly different undertone, posts like his motivate us all to become better leaders, thereby creating a healthier and happier working environments for those that we are called to lead.

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The "How Many Affiliates Will You Recruit" Question

Nearly every prospective client that calls me – be it a small one-man-show business that has just started a website, or a large corporation with years-long online presence – asks the same question: “How many affiliates will you recruit for us; and how quickly?” The desire behind the question is clear. The belief is that the

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Super Affiliate – My Definition

Jeremy Schoemaker’s recent post which included definitions of what super affiliates are, with its link back to his September Twitter poll on the same topic, encouraged me to entertain the question of super affiliate definition in my own blog. As an affiliate program manager, I would define super affiliates in

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Affiliate Program Agreement (Terms & Conditions) – Facts & Template

When doing research for my affiliate program management book, “A Practical Guide to Affiliate Marketing”, I looked at 100 affiliate programs in the same vertical, and analyzed their program agreements. The results were literally shocking: 51% of the merchants lacked Terms of Service agreements altogether, 36% had extremely generic ones,

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Affiliate Program Management: Areas of Responsibility

It is not unusual for an online merchant to wonder if they really should have a dedicated affiliate program manager, or if the responsibilities of the affiliate manager can be handled by an already employed member of their staff. To answer this question, you need to know what exactly an

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Motivating Affiliates by Threat: Dead-End Strategy

Several times a month an affiliate receives e-mails where merchants are threatening to remove him/her from their affiliate programs if the affiliate does not become “active”. Another thread was started on this topic at ABestWeb [see it here] just today. And while I could write up a whole post on

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